On more than one occasion, we’ve had video footage of what looks like orbs or something flying past the camera no one was in the basement, nor in the house for that matter, the last time it happened. Hello and welcome back everyone in this video im showcasing a Strongest Punch Simulator script, this script is a bit outdated but it’s fully working, it has a nice feature that makes you punch at the time you get all the 1 by 1 orbs in the map. We have video recording equipment (security cameras) set up in the basement. Due to the technology involved, it takes extremely little physical energy for an orb to be recorded in a digital photograph. Orbs show up in digital photos and sometimes even in photos taken with conventional emulsion film cameras. EASIEST WAY TO GET CURSED ORBS IN AUT - A. Orbs are likely not spirit beings in and by themselves, but emanations from Spirit Beings.

💡 Like my videos? Suscribe and hit the bell for more! 1 day ago On paper, cursed orb is indeed rarer than dragon ball, and a cursed orb would be about 2 dragon.